Standardization and publications

Standardization activities

In parallel, we are actively participating to IETF standardization activities for the codes as well as the associated protocols and applications:

  • RMT (Reliable Multicast Transport)
  • FECFRAME (FEC Framework) :

This is a major asset since it warrants a high level of maturity to some code specifications, it enables interoperable implementations, and it specifies all the details for their use in actual use-cases (currently with both file distribution and real-time streaming applications).

Important publications

V. Roca, C. Neumann, D. Furodet, "Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Staircase and Triangle Forward Error Correction (FEC) Schemes", IETF RMT Working Group, RFC 5170 (Standards Track/Proposed Standard), June 2008.

This IETF standard describes the LDPC-staircase codes and their application to file transfer applications. A subset of this RFC is implemented in the OpenFEC library.

J. Lacan, V. Roca, J. Peltotalo, S. Peltotalo, "Reed Solomon Error Correction Scheme", IETF RMT Working Group, Request for Comments, RFC 5510 ("Standards Track/Proposed Standard"), April 2009

This IETF standard describes the Reed-Solomon codes and their application to file transfer applications. This RFC is implemented in the OpenFEC library.

V. Roca, "Codes AL-FEC et protocoles de diffusion robuste de contenus : composants pour des services performants et passant à l'échelle", June 2014.

Vincent's HDR document (in French).

M. Cunche, "Codes AL-FEC hautes performances pour les canaux à effacements : variations autour des codes LDPC", May 2010.

Mathieu's PhD thesis (in French).

V. Roca, M. Cunche, C. Thienot, J. Detchart, J. Lacan, "RS + LDPC-Staircase Codes for the Erasure Channel: Standards, Usage and Performance", IEEE 9th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2013), October 2013.

This paper gives an account of the 3GPP call for technology where our proposal got the highest number of votes.

M. Cunche, V. Roca, "Le RFC 5170 en pratique : conception et évaluation d'un codec AL-FEC LDPC-staircase hautes performances", Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'09), October 2009.

This paper (in French) provides an extensive performance analysis of LDPC-staircase codes with comparisons to Raptor codes.

C. Neumann, "Large Scale Content Delivery applied to Files and Videos", December 2005.

Christoph Neumann's PhD thesis.